Beauty INKstitute PRO membership
Student Rate is $49/m
If you previously enrolled in any Beauty INKstitute tattooing online course, use code "49LOCKEDIN" at checkout for student rate at 50% off every monthly charge.
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Focused on continuous education
Online courses & workshops are a great way to get certified, we designed this app for what happens beyond your course. Continuous education for all specialities of tattooing by verified pros.

No scrolling, no ads, No BS
Our platform design mimics the addictive aspects of the social media apps we consume daily but without the scrolling and the advertisements. Plus, only verified artists are able to share their tips and tricks so you can make sure you're not learning the wrong information.

Find your local community
An issue we are hoping to solve using our app is to make it easier for our students to find an apprenticeship and for mentors to find an apprentice to hire. All pro members can filter search their area and find users to build business opportunities with.

Bite sized information
While our online courses focus on one subject from A to Z, Inside our app we are creating modules around the details. Some modules are created for you to practice along, others are for you to access and learn. Each module is typically a set of 8 short vertical videos that unlock as you go.

Gamified learning
We are Incentivizing repetition by awarding stars and trophies that will be displayed on the user profile to show how much they have been practicing. One of the biggest challenges in teaching art is getting the student to repeat the same task over and over until they master it. This app will keep all your work and points earned from each practice session stored in one place on your student dashboard.
Available on Apple and Android
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you can go to the apple store or play store on your phone and type "Beauty INKstitute"
Look for the app with our logo and download.
The Free app will not include all of the features but it will give you an idea of what the app looks like. You can navigate discussions and access the free modules.
Every month, your subscription will renew. You can cancel your subscription at anytime either from your device subscriptions or from the emails you get sent every time your plan renews.
We are still in the beginning stages of our app development. Our goal is to build our PRO Team with skilled mentors that are passionate about sharing their skills with other artists. If this is something you are interested in joining, email: contact@shayalsaid.com
Top subjects covered in the app currently are Fine-line tattoos, Nano-brows, Ombre brows, Needle and machine theory, brow tinting & more.
Our goal is to grow the app in a variety of valuable modules that improve and grow as we grow in artistry. Unlike lengthly curriculums, short modules allow teachers a way to post detailed lessons in an easy digestible way.
I know it sounds too good to be true, but yes! All the modules on the platform will be included in your one time monthly fee. You do not need to buy each tutorial seperatly.

The secret to mastery is repetition
Practice and repeat over and over until you get better
Hold yourself accountable for your skill growth. Just like how we try workout daily and eat healthy daily, if our skillset is important to us, then we need to practice daily. With the Beauty INKstitute app at your finger tips you have no excuses.
Document your practice sessions
Practice anytime, anywhere
Access to guided practice sessions

How to join
Limited time offer for non-students
3 month for free
Sign up for any online tattooing course and a free 3 months subscription will be included. Use code "FREE3MONTHS" after purchase.